
We're Engaged!


MAY 28TH 2018

In The Beginning..

Mikaela & Jaden both moved to Omaha Nebraska in mid-August 2004. The two attended Millard West High School all four years. Mutual friends brought the two together and they fell deeply in love. High school sweethearts as they call it. The only hobby they had were gazing into each other’s eyes and forgetting the broken hearts they once had. Jaden’s heart burst for Mikaela’s love every time he saw her. He decided four years later it was time to be forever wed to the only person he could ever feel truly fulfilled with, the only person who shared the same love for his ambitions and goals in life. They were there for each other since day one, and he knew in his heart he would be there for her last. They took a trip Italy for the summer and gazed upon the red sunset looking unto the horizon of an unforgettable view. He proposed, she looked up and said thank you to the man upstairs and said “I would love nothing more than to share the rest of my life with my best friend.”

The Wedding


Lifegate Church

11:00 AM

10104 S Birch St. Omaha NE, 68135

The Reception


The Rose Garden

1:00 pm - 11:00 pm

3926 Farnam St. Omaha, NE 68131

The Details


Please enter The Rose Garden through the hotel’s west door, a valet will be there to assist you. Once you have entered, you will find an open bar to your left and a reserved table for your party on the right, common questions are as follows:

Common Questions